10 Tips to Create a Professional Pitch Deck Design

If you’re looking for tips on how to design an effective pitch deck, you’ve come to the right place. Your pitch deck is often the first impression investors will have of your business, so it’s important to make a good one. A great design will help your deck stand out and communicate your company’s story in a visually impactful way.

In this blog post, we’ll share some top tips on creating a professional pitch deck design.

1. Keep it simple

Investors are busy people and they don‘t have time to decipher a complex deck. Keep your pitch deck design simple with less quantity and more quality. You want to make sure that your deck is easy to understand and digest, so avoid cramming in too much information. Stick to the essentials and focus on delivering a clear and concise message.

2. Make it visually appealing

Your pitch deck is your chance to make a great first impression, so make sure it looks good! Use high-quality visuals, graphics and charts to make your deck stand out. Remember, people are more likely to keep in their minds what they see. Hire a professional designer to make your pitch deck visually engaging.

3. Tell a story

Your pitch deck should tell a story. Start with a problem that your audience can relate to. Then, introduce your solution. Finally, show how your solution will benefit your audience. This will help your audience understand your message and remember your solution.

4. Keep it organized

A well-organized pitch deck is more likely to be well-received. Make sure your deck has a clear structure and flow, and that each slide builds on the one before it. Instead of using wordy paragraphs use headings and subheadings or bullets with iconography and make it easy to follow.

5. Keep it short

Your pitch deck should be around 20 slides. Any more than that and you‘re likely to lose your audience‘s attention.

6. Stick to your brand

If you have a brand, make sure to use it in your pitch deck design. Use your brand identity and guidelines to create a consistent look and feel.

7. Proofread

Make sure to proofread your deck before you finalize your design. Check for any typos or errors.

8. Practice, practice, practice

The best way to get comfortable with your pitch deck is to practice. Give your pitch to friends, family, and anyone else who will listen. The more you practice, the better you‘ll be at delivering your message.

9. Be prepared for questions

At the end of your pitch, you will likely be faced with questions from your audience. Be prepared for this by having answers to common questions ready. You should also be prepared to address any concerns that may come up.

10. Save as PDF

Save your deck as a PDF When you’re ready to share your deck, save it as a PDF. This will ensure that your deck looks the same on all devices.

By following these tips and you’ll be able to design your professional pitch deck that will amaze your audience and it’ll help you to close the deal with clients.

Do you need a stunning pitch deck design?

We’ll work with you to understand your unique business goals and create a custom-designed pitch deck that will help you close more deals and grow your business. Contact us today and let’s get started!